The History and Legacy Continues!

The International Missionary Department of the Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ was formed as early as 1919 by the founder, Bishop R.C. Lawson, as he was directed by the Holy Ghost. However, it was not until September 8, 1923, in New York City, New York that the National Missionary Department was organized by the Executive Board of the National Convocation of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.

The Pennsylvania State Missionary Department of COOLJC was organized in 1930 by the late Diocesan Bishop H.D. Jones.

Pennsylvania Allegheny Diocese Missionary Leadership

Mother Mamie DeSilvia

1st State Missionary President

Mother Mamie DeSilvia lived in New York where she worked as a beautician. She attended Refuge Temple Church under the leadership of Bishop R.C. Lawson. She and her husband, Sidney, were later sent to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They participated at the Greater Refuge Church where she was appointed the First Diocesan Missionary President by Bishop H.D. Jones, Pastor.

Mother Estelle Cobb

2nd State Missionary President

Mother Estelle Cobb was born in Connecticut on June 9, 1902. After coming to New York, she was baptized in Jesus’ Name at Refuge Temple Church pastored by the late Bishop R.C. Lawson. She and her husband, Deacon Cobb moved to Chester, PA where she was responsible for starting a church there. Elder Linsey Herbert was later sent from New York to pastor the church at Third and Lamokin Street. Mother Cobb was appointed the Second Diocesan Missionary President during the 1960’s.

Mother Julia Jones

3rd State Missionary President

Mother Julia Jones was born April 19, 1907, in Bamberg, SC. She was saved in 1929 under the leadership of Bishop R.C. Lawson at Refuge Temple, NY. She and her husband, Bishop Henry D. Jones were sent by Bishop Lawson to Philadelphia to start a church in 1931. During the depression, she and her husband fasted and prayed together, and the Lord added to the church. She found a job so he could devote his time to prayer and the ministry. He had no education, so Mother Jones taught him how to read. With much study and dedication, Bishop Jones became one of the most notable and devout Bible Scholars and the Dean of the Bible College of the COOLJC. Mother Jones was a prayerful and humble woman and intercessor. You could always hear her weeping for those without jobs, wayward children, battered women those from broken homes. She formed a Young Women’s Prayer band and taught them to pray and dress as becoming holiness according to Titus 3:4,5. She was appointed State Mother of Pennsylvania and served faithfully. As State Mother she contributed to the needs of the churches in Pennsylvania in many ways, and in 1947 she organized a group of workers that worked in homes for those who needed help, provided spiritual services along with many other deeds, and served as President of the group for fifty years.

Mother Elizabeth Martin

4th State Missionary President

Mother Martin was baptized in October 1934 and received the Holy Ghost the next evening. She witnessed to her late husband, Deacon Aaron Martin, Sr. who later received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Mother Martin has made numerous contributions to the Pennsylvania Missionary Department, even after moving to Downey, California with her son Bishop Aaron Martin, Jr. and family. Some of her contributions consisted of: Usher, Sunday School Teacher, Sunday School Secretary, Young People’s President, Altar Worker, Noon Day Prayer President, and Church Secretary at Refuge Temple Church, Pittsburgh, PA for over 30 years under the leadership of Bishop Alexander Stokes, and PA State Missionary President for 13 yrs.

She was an Outreach worker, soul-winner, and a Mighty Mentor! Last but not least, she held the office of treasurer in the IMD for over 11 years and the Chairlady for the Women’s Council and Hospitality Worker for 15 years under the late Mother Mamie Terrentine.

Mother Rehama Clark

5th State Missionary President

Mother Clark was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina as the only daughter of 5 siblings to the late Vernell Croxton-Patterson who was a missionary in COOLJC for over 40 years. In 1952, Mother Clark was baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost at the Greater Refuge Church in Philadelphia, PA pastored by the late Apostle H.D. Jones.

Mother Clark held offices as MDWG Local Recording Secretary, State Women’s Council Recording Secretary & Treasurer; member of the All-Night Prayer Band; Altar worker; IMD Weeping Women Prayer Band; President of the Refuge Church radio broadcast; Fundraiser for the Retirement Center, Columbia, SC. She also worked with Foreign Missions on the State and local level as she served as Pennsylvania State Missionary President from 1985 to 2011. Mother Clark received a Bachelor of Religious Studies degree from the W. L. Bonner Bible College in Columbia, SC in 2006.

She is a woman of faith, who is straight-forward, serious, firm and God-fearing. A woman who has accomplished numerous good works, Glory to God!

Mother Linda Grinage

Current State Missionary President

Missionary Linda Grinage was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The eldest of seven siblings. She is the great-granddaughter of the late International Missionary Department President, Mother Susan Parrott.

Missionary Grinage was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and received the gift of the Holy Ghost under the auspices of Elder Joseph Long, at Faith Temple Lighthouse Church, and served under the late Bishop Alexander Stokes. She was a praying woman who witnessed to her late husband, Elder Monty Grinage, who later received the Holy Ghost and started a church that continues to this day.

Missionary Grinage has served in many capacities. On the local level, she served as MDWG President, Adult Choir Member and Director, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Choir Director, Local Missionary Vice President. On the STATE level, she served as PA State Sunday School Vice President and as PA State Missionary Department Treasurer under the leadership of Mother Rehama Clark. She was appointed State Missionary President by Apostle William F. Cramer in 2011. She started the SWAN (Singles, Widowed, And Needy) Women’s Ministry, Annual Christian Family Conference, and continues as a Prayer warrior, Altar Worker, Outreach Worker, and humble servant of the Lord.