1st Annual Pennsylvania Missionary and Christian Women’s Conference

THEME: Women After God’s Own Heart

“Keep thy Heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” ~ Proverbs 4:23

Lady Melissa Fields

Keynote Speaker

Inspiring the women of Pennsylvania and surrounding areas who came out to support our First Annual Women’s Conference.  The Lord truly blessed us exceedingly and abundantly above more than we could ask or think.  We were expecting 25-30 women, however, the Lord blessed with 65 women in attendance representing 15 different churches.  The conference was fulfilling with workshops for all women ages 15-95 dealing with the issues of life that affect the heart.

We also thank the Lord for the abundance of Young Women in attendance.  They were truly inspired and empowered and have given us great suggestions for our next conference.

There is nothing more powerful than when this community of women comes together to fellowship, share ideas, stories, and hope in God.  Let us continue to grow and inspire one another with a heart for harvesting of souls.

Workshop Topics

  • Violence Against Women
  • Mentoring Young Women
  • The Power of Prayer
  • Training Children for Victory
  • Financial Wisdom
  • Peer Pressure