, Nurture, and Encourage others to grow holistically and to work together towards the upbuilding of God’s kingdom.

We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.

2 Corinthians 6:1

For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12

Welcome Address from the Diocesan President

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow,

To GOD BE THE GLORY for the things He has done! It is with a sense of humility and purpose that I represent our Pennsylvania Allegheny Diocese Missionary Department, and I want to speak to our collective commitment to a vision that is greater than ourselves.

Our Diocese Mission and Motto hold a special place in our hearts with transformation at the heart of our ministry. It’s our mission to address the unique needs and challenges of our state, to make a lasting impact right here, where we live and serve.

I acknowledge our unwavering commitment to the International Missionary Department COOLJC, and we proudly stand with them in their mission to make a difference, to uplift, and to empower communities and individuals across our nation. Their vision, their motto – “Lifting Up A Standard in Action, Attitude & Appearance” resonates deeply with our faith, with our purpose, and with our values. But we are not just followers; we are leaders!

We are Pennsylvania “Allegheny Diocese” Missionaries! We are the boots on the ground, the hands that reach out, and the hearts that care deeply about our local communities and churches. I want you to remember that we are not just numbers; we are stories. We are the stories of hope we bring to those we serve. We are the stories of lives transformed by our efforts. Our Allegheny Diocese Missionary Department has a local impact that cannot be understated.

Our mission is clear: We are “Workers together with Him“. We uphold the values of both our state and our International Missionary Department. Our ultimate mission is God’s mission for us, as stated in Matthew 28:19:”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Our mission is to do what each one of you was created to do in your sphere of influence with the gifts, talents, and experiences He has given you.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication, your hard work, and your commitment to the mission. TOGETHER, we will continue to be a beacon of hope, transforming lives, and making God’s mission a reality.

May God richly bless our PA “Allegheny Diocese” Missionary Department!

Missionary Linda Grinage

Missionary Linda Grinage, President
PA Allegheny Missionary Department

PA Allegheny Diocese

Weekly MAINLINE Prayer

Every Monday Evening!
7:00pm – 7:45pm

No Access Code Necessary!


2015 Winners of SWAN Ministries

Each church was charged to survey the women in their congregation and community to determine the most pressing needs, then develop and implement programs and services to meet these needs.

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